Insights from Type 2 'Diabetes Foodie' Advocate | DiabetesMine - swaynetaustray1995
DM) Hi Shelby, give the sack you please start by informatory us about your diagnosing?
SK) I was diagnosed T2 in 1999 at age 37. I also had PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), indeed I knew I was insulin unsusceptible and high-danger. There was no such thing as "prediabetes" back and so, but if there had been, I'm indisputable I would have been diagnosed with it.
I was the first in my family to get a T2 diagnosis. Within a year OR so, my pa's two brothers were diagnosed with T2. A few years later, my brother was diagnosed (also at age 37, believe it or not). A few years later on that, my parents were both told they had prediabetes. Immediately they both ingest T2 as well. In addition, my buddy's married woman and her mother some have T2. My best friend was recently diagnosed with T2 and my husband and I have had several friends die from diabetes complications.
Scream, that's quite some kinsperson diabetes know! Is thither anything you've taken from that?
Clearly, there's a genetic component. The good news is that we're all in it put together and we don't justice each some other. Aboveboard, we father't talk about it that much — it's just an accepted part of our lives. We do compare medications, share A1Cs, and swap recipes sometimes.
Some crossovers with PCOS and the diabetes?
PCOS is correlate to insulin resistance. One of the symptoms is irregular menstrual cycles. My cycles were always unpredictable, but every bit soon as I started taking metformin, everything changed. My cps was every 28 days like clockwork. That had ne'er happened before in my lifespan.
Another similarity between PCOS and diabetes for ME is in the area of peer support and advocacy. Back in the mid-1980s when I was diagnosed with PCOS, to the highest degree physicians had never heard of it and had no melodic theme how to address it. I found an online patronage community (via listserv in those years) and started acquisition from my peers. I cared-for several conferences where I learned to advocate for myself and non be intimidated by doctors. That was my prototypic introduction to communities like the DOC (Diabetes Online Community). Being up to your neck with PCOS back then has helped me be a punter diabetes advocate today.
Did your health issues impact your professional career at all?
When I was diagnosed with T2D backward in 1999, I had a very stressful job in software engineering that required a dispense of travel. The majority of my meals each week were grabbed on the go or eaten in a eating place and I didn't make healthy choices. The only exercise I got at the time was when I had to race through an airport to catch a flight!
Once I was diagnosed, a diabetes pedagogue taught me how to arrive at better food choices and the importance of utilisation and managing tenseness. I arranged things at work so I could stay home more. I started preparing healthier meals and took a walk every day after work. I also started backpacking a lunch all day. Eventually, my health became more important to me than the task. I ended up going back to school and completely changing careers. Diabetes was the catalyst for a happier life, believe it or not.
Where did that take you, professionally?
I'm now a programmer turned web couturier turned diabetes blogger/author and urge. I founded and run the Diabetic Epicurean website, and am on the American Diabetes Association's Virginia Advocacy Committee every bit recovered As the Central Virginia Community Leadership Board. I also lead two DiabetesSisters PODS groups in Capital of Virginia, VA, and have published two diabetes-related books.
Tell us to a greater extent close to those two books you've written?
In 2018, I published The Pocket Sugar Counter Direct for Diabetes. IT's non a double listing of foods and carb counts, but rather BASIC information about how carbs work in your consistence and tips and tricks I've learned for managing diabetes and food over the death 20 years. Earlier this year, I published The Diabetes Cookbook for Electric Pressure Cookers, which includes 80 diabetes-intimate recipes for multi-cookers like the Flash Pot.
Awesome! And how did you start entangled with that national brass for women with diabetes?
I met DiabetesSisters CEO Anna Norton at a diabetes protagonism event a couple of years ago. I had retributive moved to Richmond, VA, and she mentioned that there had been an active PODS meetup group there, but it had disbanded. She asked if I would equal concerned in reviving the group. I eventually got things going again and there was interest in a couple of different parts of town, so now we have two groups in the sphere.
I have met so many wonderful people through the organization. I like that each meeting has an educational piece and a support piece. I have learned and so much from my D-sisters! For instance, I now wear a FreeStyle Libre (flash glucose monitor) and information technology's the best thing I've ever washed-up my diabetes direction. I doubt I would know anything about CGM use for T2s without DiabetesSisters. In 2019, I was thrilled to embody selected atomic number 3 the PODS liaison to the DiabetesSisters Board of Directors.
How did you detect the Diabetes Online Biotic community, and eventually make your Diabetic Foodie place?
Honestly, I don't remember how I found the Doctor. I think I stumbled onto a Twitter hashtag around World Diabetes Day one year. Cover in 2010, I was a freelance web designer and requisite to learn the WordPress technology for red-hot project. People were ever asking me for recipes, so I decided to create a WordPress blog site for myself with a few of my recipes in front I tackled my client's website. I wanted to show up the world that a diabetes diagnosing doesn't bastardly you can't retain to enjoy delicious food. That's how Diabetic Foodie started. At first, I was more plugged into the solid food world, but over time I became part of the diabetes community also.
Which diabetes tools and tech do you personally use?
Eastern Samoa mentioned, I've been victimisation the Freestyle Libre for about 6 months or so. Ahead that, I used the OneTouch Verio Bend glucose meter.
Where bear you seen the biggest changes in your fourth dimension with diabetes?
The development of CGMs (continuous glucose monitors). I loved one data and the Libre finally gives me access to it. I also think physicians and diabetes educators do focus more on the individual today rather than trying to get everyone to accommodate the same cooky-cutter treatment plan.
What gets you crazy as to diabetes innovations?
Much tools to help people independently manage their diabetes. One woman with type 1 diabetes WHO attends one of my DiabetesSisters PODS meetings says, while she would quiet like the cure she was promised when she was 9 years old, the applied science she now uses makes her feel pretty "normal."
What would you secernate product manufacturers they could act up better, if you had the unplanned?
I feel that most diabetes innovations are targeted towards Typecast 1, and rightly then — but T2 folk could use cool tools too!
Given the current cost surges, have you personally struggled with any access or affordability issues?
Oh my, yes. I'm 57 years old, individual-exploited, with a pre-existing condition. In 2017, I had the top health insurance I'd had in decades — premiums of $100/month and all of my medications for $80/quarter. Now my premiums are $733/calendar month and my medications are $2,100/quarter — unless I materialise to glucinium in another country and buy it there.
I learned of the pricing differences on a recent European trip when unrivalled of my Trulicity pens failed and I hadn't brought a spare. Luckily, I had a copy of my ethical drug and I paid about $338 for my quarterly supply. Just $338 instead of $2,100! Also, my insurance won't cover up the Libre because I don't take insulin. I invite my sensors out of pouch.

Last not least, please tell us wherefore you decided to implement for the DiabetesMine Patient Voices Competition?
In the two DiabetesSisters PODS I range, members oft have questions about diabetes technology — unremarkably from a T1 point of view. Eastern Samoa someone with T2, I am woefully lacking in knowledge. I wouldn't have even known about the Libre without my D-sisters! I need to learn, thus I can be a better resource for myself and others. At DiabetesMine University, I want to learn and I want to meet other diabetes advocates and innovators.
Thanks for sharing your story with us again, Shelby!
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