Disassemble Governor

commencement by:

a) separation of governor from fuel injection pump housing

1. Remove shaft (2). Remove pivot (one) from the shaft.

ii. Remove pins (3) from the flyweights. Remove flyweights (4).

3. Remove ring (seven), races (viii) and bearing (6) from riser (follower) (5).

four. Remove encompass (9) and spring (10) from the governor housing.

NOTE: At that place is force on the cover from the spring.

v. Remove seal (11) from the cover.

6. Remove encompass (12) for the depression and high idle adjustments.

7. Remove locknut and screw (15) for the high idle adjustment.

eight. Remove bolt (17) and the washers for the low idle adjustment.

9. Remove spring (18) and the guide.

10. Remove pin (16) and plate (13).

11. Remove shaft (fourteen) from the housing.

12. Remove two spacers (19) and (20) from the shaft.

xiii. Remove shaft (21) from the governor housing.

14. Remove washer (22) and levers (23) and (24) from the governor housing.

15. Remove seal (25) and the bearing.

16. Remove seals (26) and (27) from the governor housing.

Assemble Governor

1. Install the bearing and seal in the housing with tooling (A). The lip of the seal must be toward the bearing.

two. Install seal (i) in housing with tooling (A). The lip of the seal must be toward inside of housing.

3. Install seal (two) in the housing with tooling (A). The lip of the seal must be toward the inside of the housing.

4. Install shaft (3) in the housing.

5. Install plates (4), spacers (viii) and pivot (vii) on shaft (five).

half dozen. Install shaft (5) in the housing and through washer (9) and levers (vi).

7. Install pin (11) in the holes of the plates.

8. Install spiral (ten) and the locknut for the loftier idle aligning.

ix. Install spring (13) and the guide.

10. Install commodities (12) and the washer for the low idle adjustment.

eleven. Push plate and pin (11) over toward commodities (12) and tighten the bolt.

12. Install the seal in cover (14) with tooling (A). The lip of the seal must be toward the inside.

13. Install spring (15) in the cover. Install comprehend (14) on the housing.

14. Install the cover (16) for the idle adjustment screws.

15. Install bearing (xix) between races (eighteen) on riser (follower) (17). Install band (20). Ring (20) holds the washers on the riser (follower).

sixteen. Install the pin in shaft (23).

17. Install flyweights (22) and pin (21).

eighteen. Install shaft (23) in the flyweight assembly.

finish by:

a) connexion of governor to fuel injection pump housing

b) make aligning of fuel arrangement setting (See Fuel System Setting in Testing and Adjusting)