
'Huawei Media Services' to Soon Replace Google Apps on Honor, Huawei Devices

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With Google's app and services however off-limits to Huawei because of the ongoing trade tensions between the US and China, the telecom behemothic is reportedly looking to launch its own media services platform by the stop of this year. At present, the company's sub-brand, Honour, is reportedly in talks with the developers behind 150 top mobile apps in India to get them on-board for its Huawei Media Services, or HMS.

That's according to Charles Peng, the CEO of Huawei and Honor's Consumer Business Group in Bharat, who recently told ET that the side by side Honour smartphone with ship with the new platform. According to Peng, "We have our own HMS and are trying to build a mobile ecosystem. Near of the key apps such every bit navigation, payments, gaming and messaging will be ready past December cease".

He too reassured users that the new platform will perform the same mode as the Google Play platform, offering apps, games, movies and other services in a seamless manner. "Consumers won't see a difference betwixt GMS and HMS. We are focusing on how to work with developers to offer a adept customer feel. Information technology is a challenge that we are trying to accost", he said.

He as well said that the strategy in India is part of the company's plans to bring the top 100-150 apps in each country on HMS to ensure consumers don't find it difficult to transition from Google Media Services (GMS) to Huawei's platform. "Huawei HQ is in touch with People's republic of china developers and the India developer base will assistance united states in India as well as regions like Europe. In every country, we will focus on bringing top 100-150 apps to customers through HMS", he said.


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