
How To Repair Damaged Tree Roots

Dennis South. Schrock
Section of Horticulture, University of Missouri-Columbia

Types of construction damage
Preventing damage
Tree care later on construction
Tolerance of copse to root impairment

Copse are a valuable asset in dwelling landscapes. Their shade makes summer living more than pleasant and tin significantly reduce air conditioning costs. In winter, they shield against wind and snow, reducing heating costs. Leaves act as air cleaners, filtering dust and removing airborne pollutants. Trees shelter wildlife, slow rainfall runoff, muffle noise and provide privacy. But perhaps the chief reason people value trees highly is simply the beauty and grace they add to a community.

Because it takes many years for a tree to grow to maturity, wooded edifice sites command premium prices. All too frequently, nevertheless, the copse that make the site bonny are damaged during construction. Trees may decline and die before long after structure work is finished. The homeowner then faces the toll of tree removal in addition to the expense and time needed to grow replacement trees.

Trees around older, established homes suffer from construction harm, besides. Remodeling projects, sidewalk replacement, landscaping projects or utility work may cause injury to trees.

Damage to trees occurs directly from concrete wounding or indirectly through modify of surroundings around the tree.

Physical wounds

Careless movement of construction equipment causes wounds to tree trunks and root collars, the expanse of the tree at ground line where the roots brainstorm to spread out. A healthy tree is capable of sealing off minor wounds, localizing injury. Withal, large wounds and those on stressed trees will not readily seal off, allowing disuse to begin.

Improper pruning to create clearance for construction equipment and tree removal techniques are other sources of physical injury to branches and trunks. Equally trees are removed for placement of a new building or driveway, they may scrape bark off trunks or suspension branches of copse that are to be saved. These wounds serve as entry points for diseases. Improper pruning leaves co-operative stubs that die and begin to decay. Brand clean cuts with a abrupt pruning saw just outside the swollen branch collar.

Below basis, root damage is mutual from excavation and grade changes. Roots may be torn by improper digging, opening wounds for affliction organisms to enter. Fine, absorbing roots are lost by topsoil removal, putting the tree under stress. Structural support is lost past trenching too close to major roots, creating a potential take chances. Bruising or crushing of roots by heavy equipment may not be credible from above footing.

Environmental changes

Soil compaction is a serious problem on many construction sites. Fifty-fifty when care is taken to avert trunk and co-operative injury from equipment, trees may exist damaged by equipment driving over root systems. The weight of the equipment compacts soil, reducing air space in the root zone. Limited oxygen availability to roots is also a problem when soil is stockpiled at the base of trees or paving is put over existing roots.

Excessive thinning of tree stands or removal of underbrush causes increased exposure to sunday, wind and heat. Sunscald may develop on copse previously acclimated to shade. Increased current of air and heat exposure increases moisture stress.

Also, wet stress may develop from grade changes that lower the water table or divert drainage patterns away from the site. On the other hand, excess soil moisture may develop from grade changes, as well. A ascension in the h2o table, puddling from improper grading, or an increase in water menstruum through the area volition decrease the corporeality of oxygen in the root zone and atomic number 82 to tree decline.

Calculation fill soil or cutting abroad excess soil alters the environment around tree roots. Hauling in fill reduces oxygen to the roots. Calculation as fiddling every bit i or 2 inches of heavy clay soil on top of the existing course may damage sensitive trees such equally oaks. The soil contour and soil pH are also contradistinct. Topsoil is frequently more acidic than excavated subsoils spread on the surface. Trees adapted to growing in acidic topsoil will be stressed when forced to develop new roots in soil of a unlike pH and texture. Ability of roots to take up many micronutrients is reduced in loftier pH soils, leading to decreased growth charge per unit and yellowing leaves. Construction material cached on-site also often raises soil pH.

Symptoms of damage

Symptoms of construction impairment to copse announced over a menses of several months to several years after the damage occurs. Because of the filibuster in development of symptoms, it is frequently hard for people to understand the relationship betwixt the earlier injury and the current symptoms.

The first symptoms to develop may be a slight wilting or shedding of a few leaves at the time of construction. Fall coloration often develops early and leaves drop prematurely. In later years, leaf size and shoot growth may be reduced. Twigs and branches dice, and in the case of conifers, excessive needle drop occurs. Full general growth of the tree is slowed and resistance to diseases and insects is weakened.

Diagnosing compaction or root smothering damage tin be difficult because it may have v to 7 years for symptoms to appear. The speed and severity of symptom development depends on the amount of damage, the species of tree and soil type.

Deciding which trees to salve

The beginning pace in deciding which trees to save is to accurately mark out placement of proposed buildings, driveways, parking areas and utility routes. After marking these features, stand back to wait over the site. A small shift in the position of the building, a change in driveway location, or altering the proposed utility line could make the departure betwixt saving or cutting a valuable tree.

Later on deciding on building placement, prioritize trees for saving. Trees directly in the way of construction; undesirable, weedy tree species; trees already in a state of decline; or structurally hazardous copse should exist marked for removal. If in doubt, consult a trained arborist, horticulturist, forester or nursery person to make up one's mind tree status.

Next, make up one's mind which copse can be saved with little or no protection. Desirable trees located away from structure or traffic areas volition survive if reasonable care is taken.

The final group of trees to examine are those that may survive structure, just only if proper measures are taken. Examine them more closely to decide if 1 of the techniques described below will effectively minimize damage. If severe damage is likely, information technology will be less expensive to remove the tree before construction begins than afterward.


Control traffic around trees

Tree roots are not mirror images of the tree top. Roots are concentrated in the top 12 to 18 inches of soil and spread two to three times the width of branches (encounter Figure one). Protecting roots within the dripline of the tree is most critical, but impairment to roots outside the dripline on only one side of the tree may remove one-tertiary or more of the tree's roots (run into Figure 2).

Cock a fence at the dripline or farther out, if possible, to prevent damage from earthworks, soil compaction or stockpiling of soil over roots. It is easier to save groups of trees than individual ones. Build a fence effectually the dripline of the outside trees to proceed construction machinery away from the grove. Remove protective fences only after all structure work is done, including final grading and smoothing of the site.

Carefully remove unwanted trees

Exist conscientious removing unwanted trees. A tree being removed might fall on and hurt one of the copse you lot plan to salve. If possible, remove unwanted trees when none of the trees accept leaves. When copse are in full leaf, sudden removal of nearby trees is a shock and tin crusade sunburn to other trees.

Make clean cuts

Clean cuts to roots seal off apace and assistance prevent entry of illness-causing organisms. Ragged, rough wounds from dull or improper equipment permit decay to progress to the rest of the tree. Sharply cutting ends promote a affluent of new roots, helping the tree recover from injury. Bulldozers tend to tear roots autonomously, leaving wounds that will not seal readily. Trenchers and backhoes make cleaner cuts through the soil. When cutting roots larger than 2 inches in diameter, employ a pruning saw to make a smooth cut.

Do not automatically prune the tiptop of a tree that has been root pruned. As long as moisture is not limiting, leaves in the crown of the tree manufacture food to help roots grow and recover from being cut. Prune out only weak or dead branches.

Tunnel rather than trench

Trenching near a tree kills a large portion of the tree's roots. Tunneling under the tree does virtually no damage. Since most roots live in the tiptop 18 inches of soil, a tunnel 2 feet deep often does trivial damage. However, placing the tunnel 3 to 4 feet deep is safer.

It is all-time to tunnel at least 1 to 2 anxiety abroad from the tree's center to avoid a tap root (run across Figure three). For trees under 6 inches in diameter at breast height, trenching should come up no closer than the dripline of the tree. Meet Table one for larger trees.

Diagram showing the dangers of Figure 3. Trenching nearly a tree can kill almost half its roots. A tunnel in the same place will do virtually no impairment to the tree.

Table 1. Minimum distance to trench trees. (Adjusted from Municipal Foresters of Northeastern Illinois guidelines.)

Tree diameter at breast height

Minimum distance from tree to offset tunneling

less than half-dozen inches

dripline of tree

six to 9 inches

5 feet

ten to 14 inches

10 anxiety

15 to nineteen inches

12 feet

more than 19 inches

15 feet

Prevent soil compaction

Where fencing to prevent structure traffic is not possible, apply temporary forest fleck mulch, gravel mulch or bridges to prevent soil compaction around tree roots. Identify wood fries or gravel mulch 6 to 12 inches deep on top of a geotextile landscape fabric placed over the root zone of the trees to be protected.

Air spaces in the mulch cushion the bear upon of machinery or human foot traffic and disperse the weight over a larger area. The landscape material makes cleanup piece of cake. Temporary bridges built from steel plates placed on railroad ties distribute the weight of equipment over larger areas. What compaction does occur will be limited to areas direct beneath the railroad ties (see Figure 4).

Diagram showing how to build a bridge over the root system.

Effigy 4. Use of bridges to protect tree roots.

Handle class changes

Cut abroad soil from a tree removes a portion of the root organization and changes the soil wet level. For reasonable survival of trees, make no cuts inside the dripline. Construct a retaining wall at the dripline or farther out to preserve the tree's roots (encounter Figures 5 and vi).

Danger of removing soil necessary for the root system to thrive.

Figure 5. This change in grade has killed half the tree'south roots. Most trees will die from this extent of injury.
Building a retaining wall can ensure the tree recovers. Figure six. The tree on this cut has been protected by a curved retaining wall at the dripline. The tree should recover nicely.

Filling around copse smothers roots. Build a retaining wall at the dripline to keep soil from burial roots within the dripline. Information technology is possible to completely encompass the roots by using expensive drainage and venting techniques that require professional pattern and installation. It is easier, cheaper and more practical to alter grading plans than it is to protect a tree from fill over the entire root zone.


With proper care, trees moderately afflicted by construction damage will recover. Homeowners can help trees recover past practicing annual tree care as outlined in the following:

Aerate the soil. Pull out cores of soil 12 to 18 inches deep to aid motility of oxygen and wet into soil and help combat compaction. Fertilizer may exist placed in the holes. Use compost to backfill the holes. New roots quickly make full in the cores.

Water deeply. During dry out periods, moisten the root zone of stressed copse. Let the water soak in 12 to 18 inches deep by applying a slow trickle throughout the spread of the tree'due south roots.

Inspect the tree for damage. Stressed copse are more susceptible to illness and insect attack. Check them frequently to catch pest problems before they go astringent. Treat with a pesticide, if necessary. Prune out any dieback that develops.

Mulch. A 2- to 4-inch layer of mulch around the base of operations of trees helps forestall soil compaction, reduces weed contest and conserves soil moisture. Keep the mulch away from the tree trunk to prevent neckband rot from developing.

Fertilize. Severely stressed copse should not be fertilized until they become re-established a year or ii later. Immature, rapidly growing copse should be fertilized annually. Mature trees may be fertilized every two or 3 years. Using a consummate fertilizer, apply 2 pounds of bodily nitrogen per thousand foursquare feet. Fertilizer may be spread over the soil surface or distributed among aeration holes punched 12 inches deep every ii feet under the tree's canopy.

Not all copse are equally sensitive to soil-related structure injury (see Table 2). Some can generate new roots quickly when conditions get unfavorable for the erstwhile roots. This adaptation occurs primarily in species that abound in river bottom flood plains. Tree species native to upland sites are less probable to accommodate to soil grade changes or construction damage.

Table 2. Tree tolerance to root damage, by species.

Very sensitive

Moderately sensitive

Fairly tolerant


Sugar maple

Silver maple







Kentucky coffeetree



Horse chestnut



All conifers

Red maple

River birch





Trees are a valuable asset in the mural and should be protected during structure. With careful planning and forethought, desirable trees can be saved and the disappointment of delayed tree decline prevented.

Copyright 2000 Academy of Missouri.  Published by University Extension, Academy of Missouri-Columbia


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