
How Strong Is A Distal Bicep Repair

Distal Biceps Tendon Repair

There are many different techniques for repairing the ruptured biceps tendon. This is our prefered method, only other methods are equally successful. Delight talk over with your surgeon.

The biceps tendon ruptures off the forearm os (radius) and retracts up the upper arm, causing a deformity (known as the 'Popeye sign')

Click for larger view of biceps rupture

A small incision is fabricated over the upper forearm, where the biceps should attach onto the radius bone.

The retracted biceps tendon is retrieved through the incision. Sometimes another incision college upwards the arm may be required to find the tendon.

The radius is prepared to encourage healing.

Two suture-anchors are inserted into the bone as an anchorage for the tendon.

The potent sutures from the suture-anchors   are thread through the tendon in a specific interlocking way to ensure a strong repair of the tendon to the bone.

After the surgery a hinged elbow brace is applied with the elbow locked at 60-90 degrees of flexion. The brace is adapted past your surgeon or therapist at two weekly intervals to gradually permit more movement. Past half-dozen weeks you lot should exist able to remove the brace.
ROM Elbow Deluxe

Physiotherapy is essential afterward the surgery, every bit we permit passive motion of the elbow from the limits of the brace. This should be bundled after your surgery. Click here for details of the Physiotherapy programme.

Information technology tin can accept upwardly to 6-12 months to regain the total strength of your biceps.

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Information for your Biceps Repair Surgery

You must not eat or potable annihilation after midnight the twenty-four hours before your surgery. When you wake up following the procedure you will be wearing a hinged elbow brace.

The operation is usually a twenty-four hours-example process, and then you should exist able to go dwelling house about 4 hours subsequently the operation. A physiotherapist will encounter y'all in hospital to teach y'all the advisable exercises. You may also see an occupational therapist to give y'all advice regarding the use of your arm.


Local anaesthetic is normally used during the surgery (in addition to a general anaesthetic). This ways that immediately after the functioning elbow should be pain-gratis. This may last for a few hours. It is esential you take the painkillers from the hospital as shortly as you go home and keep taking them regularly. You may need them for a few weeks. Cold pinch wraps may also help reduce pain. Or you tin use crushed ice or frozen peas in a clammy, cold cloth and identify on your elbow for up to xv minutes. Ensuring y'all cover the wound site with a slice of cling flick to keep the surface area dry out. For more information click here


This functioning is usually done through i or two or small incisions. There will ordinarily exist a dissolving suture in the wounds, with a small loop over the top, and small sticking plaster strips over the wounds. These should exist kept dry until healed. Yous may shower with waterproof plasters in the meantime. You can remove the brace to do so, simply do non move your elbow. The suture loop can be trimmed at two weeks, at your follow-up appointment.


An appointment will be made for y'all to encounter the surgeon or specialist therapist 3 weeks mail-operatively.


For the first 3 weeks all activities of daily living for example feeding, dressing, cooking etc must be carried out using your un-operated arm. If appropriate an occupational therapist will be available to requite you advice on how to practise this. For more than data Click Hither.


Your physiotherapist and surgeon will advise you when it is safe to resume your leisure activities. This volition vary co-ordinate to your sport and level, likewise as the catamenia required to retrain your muscles with physiotherapy.


Yous volition not exist able to drive for a minimum of half dozen weeks. Your surgeon volition confirm when you may begin.


This will depend upon the size of your tear and your occupation. You lot will need to discuss this with your surgeon.


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